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The introductory paragraph should include the full title of the blog post, an explanation of what the post is about, and a summary of what's included in the blog post. How to Overcome Writer's Block It's no secret that writer's block can be a real bother for writers, especially those who make their living from freelance or non-fiction writing. While it might feel tempting to just give up and focus on something else for a while, there are actually plenty of ways to overcome this writing conundrum! And we're going to tell you everything you need to know about how to deal with writer's block here. The first step most people take to overcome writer's block is simply to take a break. It's easy for your mind to get stuck on the same train of thought or writing path – and skipping things like breaks and even overnight breaks can help you change the way you think. A good way to do this is by getting up and walking away from your computer, and it's also a good idea to change locations – go for a walk, talk with friends, meditate, do whatever helps clear your mind. Another popular solution is setting time limits on yourself. It's easy to get stuck in a loop of the same old stuff that you just keep writing over and over again. But even if you're finding it difficult, try setting a time limit. For example, if you always sit down to write at 4pm every day, try setting this time for yourself and stick to it. At 4pm, take a break for 15minutes before starting again. Another method is simply to take breaks between each period of writing – you'll find that eventually things will flow more naturally this way! Another great way of overcoming writer's block is learning the different techniques that can help your mind relax and focus better on what you're trying to do. One technique that's frequently mentioned is visualization – writing down or picturing your ideas as you're writing them can help loosen the mind and put it into a more relaxed state. Some authors even recommend making the act of writing the actual act of imagining what you're trying to write about (called “active imagination”). Another technique is “mindmaps” – this is where you make diagrams showing how your thoughts are connected to one another. You can use software like MindNode or Evernote, or try simply drawing them on paper. This helps your brain to process all of these thoughts at once, rather than forcing it to work one by one. Finally, it's also a good idea to try to get into a groove. It's very easy for writer's block to set in when you're tired or stressed, so it really helps if you can get to know yourself and try and find a way of breaking these patterns. Part 1: In the workplace, people who have Ph.D. cfa1e77820

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